Ben's Parents, Jaime and Ramzi, are literally the dream team. For starters, Ramzi is an ER Physician and Jaime is a research specialist with her PhD. They are clearly brilliant. But they are also extremely down to earth and the kindest people you'll meet. Jaime is probably one of the funniest people I've ever known as well.
And they are handy to boot. They have completed countless fixer upper level house projects, and to top it off: Ramsi crafted Ben's new crib! Little Ben is sharing a room with his big brother, so they knew he would need a mini crib. They looked into the outrageously priced options on the market and were less than enthralled. So Ramzi, up for the challenge, decided to take on the task himself. Needless to say, he hit the ball out of the park. The crib is a work of art. (Seriously - if we have kids, it's at the top of my registry list!)
Not only are they super human individuals - but they are such a fantastic match. 10 years of marriage and 3 kids later - their love for each other is so beautifully evident in the way they interact with one another. They are the epitome of balance - managing careers, parenting, home ownership and family life seemingly effortlessly - but accompanied by a raw honesty that conveys it isn't always a breeze.
It is no wonder, and should come as no surprise, that they have created three incredible humans, the youngest of whom is the reason we find ourselves here reminiscing on this precious newborn shoot.
To be invited into someone's home at any time is such a gift. To be invited in just one week after someone had a baby, that's downright amazing.
Our house isn't visitor ready on the average day (think dishes piled, equipment strewn about, half finished projects...) and we don't have the excuse of children. Much less three of them, one being a newborn.
But for the Sidani Family, it simply wasn't an issue. We had a blast capturing them in their element, with the newest addition to their beautiful family!
Congratulations, and welcome to the world, Ben! You are in the best hands, you lucky little guy, you :)