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  • Writer's pictureElisabeth Dorosh

Welcome to the World Bennett Mack!

There are few things in life that offer the therapeutic effect and bliss of holding a newborn baby: A living miracle that fits in your hands. A teeny, tiny, precious human created from the love of two people.

Much anticipation preceded the arrival of this handsome little man, Bennett Mack. His big brother came early, so the school of thought was that he too would come before his due date. His dear mom, Danielle, eagerly anticipated his arrival, expecting that "today would be the day" for four long weeks.

Bennett decided he liked the cozy, safe, warm womb he was inhabiting, and remained there until the 39 week mark, when he finally made his grand debut on September 21,2016. He knew what he was doing - because he arrived healthy, perfect, and fast. Very fast. Once Danielle started labor, she and her husband headed to the hospital, and Bennett was born just hours later.

To a birthing novice like me, this situation seems ideal. But in reality, it offers no time for things to go according to plan. And it definitely doesn't offer time for pain relief procedures, such as, you know, an epidural. So yes, Danielle gave birth to this little guy au natural. She was already one of the toughest women I knew. But this elevates her to super human status.

One of my favorite parts of any shoot is incorporating places and props that are relevant and hold special meeting.

Bennett's dad, Adam, is originally from the Pittsburgh area, but his job has granted him the opportunity to live elsewhere along the east coast. For this season, they are back in the Burgh. Thus - their beautiful home in Mars PA, Bennett's first home, was the perfect location to capture his cuteness.

Being from the area, you'd expect that Adam would be a Steelers fan - like most others who hail from black and gold country. But no - he is a fan of their arch nemesis: the Cleveland Browns.

In their baby bin of adorable little hats, we were thrilled to find the Brown's helmet hat and knew we had to get some photos of he and his dad in their team attire.

The second hat, that precious blue number, was hand crafted by Danielle's brother's fiancee. The sheer talent of people who can create clothing and accessories never ceases to amaze me.

Thank you Adam and Danielle for letting me meet and cuddle and photograph the newest addition to your amazing family! He is a lucky little man to get you as parents - even if there will be a strong influence over him to be a Brown's fan ;)

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