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Butler Country Club Wedding | Charlie + Heather

Writer's picture: Elisabeth DoroshElisabeth Dorosh


"Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay.

Your people will be my people and your God my God."

The morning after Charlie and Heather's wedding day, Nazari and I had an early morning swim workout in preparation for our upcoming triathlon. When we arrived back at home, we saw a box waiting on our front porch. We retrieved the package, only to discover it was an edible arrangements bouquet with a thank you note from none other than Heather and Charlie. Whhhhat?!? We are still trying to wrap our heads around the fact that THEY sent US an incredible (and delicious) gift the MORNING after THEIR wedding day!

While the privilege was all ours to get to spend the day alongside them as they said "I DO!", that is just the type of people they are: the kindest, most thoughtful, intentional, generous, gracious couple!

You may remember these two from their Mellon Park Engagement Session last fall where I shared about they actually grew up together, in the same school district and same home church, so their families have had memories intertwined for years! But it wasn't until they were adults that a romance was sparked. Charlie had moved to Ohio, and was home visiting with family and friends, and found lost in conversation with Heather until the wee hours of the morning. They both agreed if the connection came that easily, there was something there worth pursuing.

After dating for awhile long distance, Charlie began making the five hour drive home to visit family, friends, and his girlfriend, Heather, more frequently. Leaving after work meant getting in late in the evening on Fridays. So he typically drove straight to Heather's house to see her first.

One weekend in particular, Heather had a rough week and was exhausted. Charlie got in late, and as happy as Heather was to see him, she just wanted to go to sleep. However, he had other plans in store. You see, he had gotten her a new bible for the two of them, and wanted to read through the book of Ruth. She tried to listen intently, but had to fight the urge to close her eyes and fall asleep. As they finished the bible story, Charlie segwayed into the purpose behind the bible as he asked her if she would spend the rest of her life by his side. Let's just say, that question certainly perked up her tired eyes!

After months of planning, these two were blessed with a (very rare!) beautiful Sunday in March to embark on their journey of marriage. The day was filled with love and community as their close knit families (whom they adoringly refer to as the "village") stood by their side. They remark that their wedding was only possible because of their village!

There were so many stand out moments on their special day that it's hard to narrow them down!

For starters, Heather wore her mom's wedding dress! She had the top remade, and it could not have been more beautiful, or a more perfect "something old" heirloom.

Charlie and Heather exchanged letters the morning of their wedding day! Heather wrote hers after spending the morning reading the book of Ruth - the same book she read alongside Charlie before he asked her to be his wife!

Their wedding ceremony consisted of washing one another's feet, sharing communion together, and ending in a song of worship.

The anniversary dance had the most couple's on the dance floor for the longest amount of time we have ever seen! Charlie and Heather are part of an incredible marital legacy!

We could not be happier for these two wonderful people as they embark on this grand adventure and begin their life together as husband and wife in Ohio! Congratulations, Charlie and Heather!!



Ceremony: First United Methodist Church, Butler, PA

Reception: Butler Country Club

Photographer: Dorosh Documentaries

Bride's Dress: Her mama's!

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