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That Time I Didn't Know Nazari's Name

Writer's picture: Elisabeth DoroshElisabeth Dorosh

You may have heard it said that "The most beautiful sound in the world is the sound of your own name."


I vividly remember a late night walk in South Oakland alongside Nazari just a couple months after we had been dating. Somehow our conversation led us to talking about names, and he mentioned how much he loved it when I said his name, and then proceeded to totally call me out on the fact that I rarely (if ever!) actually said his name. I was absolutely guilty as charged.


I confessed to him that I didn't often say his name because I was TERRIFIED I was saying it wrong and truthfully, uncertain of exactly HOW to say it (and was SO embarrassed because, guys! We had been dating for WAY too long to not legit know his name.) He just laughed it off, not at all offended, and with a sparkle in his eye, he turned to face me and said, "My name is Nazari." (Pronounced, Nuh-ZAR-ee). Relief washed over me, I looked back at him, and bashfully repeated, "Nazari" (And said it at least another nine or ten times to really make sure I'd mastered the pneumonics). As you can imagine, it was a really big step in our relationship ;)


Fast forward several years, and I have a similar vivid memory of the night when we realized that this potential business venture of ours (making wedding films for others after falling head over heals for the one Nazari made for me) could actually become a reality. We were knee deep in the business logistics like becoming an LLC and all of that fun stuff, but had found ourselves stuck on a key component to proceeding: What the heck were we going to call ourselves? We had been brainstorming for weeks and nothing was clicking. Choosing names is TOUGH!


Lying in bed one night, Nazari exclaimed, "I think I've got it!: Dorosh Documentaries!". He was pretty certain about it and proceeded to tell me all of the reasons it was perfect. I'll be honest: At first, I was not at all a fan. So I proceeded to tell Nazari all of the reasons I did NOT think it was perfect.


We sat on it for a few days, and kept coming back to the same thing (also, Nazari's certainty and persistence wore me down ;) Soon enough, it became official: Dorosh Documentaries, LLC. and we have never looked back! But for those of you who have been following along on this venture of ours and find yourselves in a position similar to the one I was in when Nazari and I first started dating, Dorosh is pronounced Door-Osh [Door as in open the DOOR, and Osh as in Osh-Kosh :)

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