Tyler works for Pirates Baseball - and the weekend before his wedding, he got a call offering him a spot to work at Game 6 of the World Series. Being that there is so much to get done the week of a wedding, he was hesitant. But his soon to be bride insisted that he absolutely had to go. It wasn't a question. She knew it was a once in a lifetime opportunity and did not want him to miss out.
Like many baseball fans, Tyler thought it would be a quick trip, and that the series would end after game 6. To the surprise of many, it did not. Thus his trip was extended. He ended up getting home in the wee morning hours on the eve of his wedding day.
But that didn't slow him down. On very little sleep, with so much to do, Tyler and Ali hit the ball out of the park with their wedding.
It is an understatement to say that these two make a great team. They are the most outrageously kind, humble, patient, selfless and fun people you could ever come across.
Their priority on THEIR wedding day was that everyone in attendance was comfortable and having a blast - whether you were family, a guest, or a vendor.
Their favorite part of wedding planning was the patience they showed to one another throughout the planning process and their ability to work well together planning such a big event.
Anyone who has planned a wedding knows that this is not an easy undertaking. But they chose not to let the logistics and stress get the best of them. They remained a united front the entire way, keeping the perfect perspective on what really mattered - each other.
They put thought, intention, and so much love into all of the right details. The letters they exchanged on the morning of the wedding day set the day off to the perfect start, then their perfectly worded, individually written vows sealed the deal.
It's always hard to pick a favorite part of a wedding day - because every single moment of the day is so special and so important. But anytime a guy really, reeeeeeally loves his girl, and plans something special to proclaim that love to the world, and his girl - that is something that is hard to beat.
Tyler had been secretly working to surprise his new bride with a very special song. One that meant a lot to them. The DJ called the bride and groom to the dance floor. Ali - not knowing any better, thought it was time for the traditional removal of the garter. She sat on the chair set out for her. But instead of Tyler coming to join her, he sat down in his own chair, pulled out his guitar, and serenaded her with this special song.
It was as perfect as you can possibly imagine. As was this special day for this extra special family. Tyler, Ali and Kayden - we love you and could not be happier for you. While the details were extraordinary, it is your radical love that stands out! Thank you for letting us be a part of this momentous celebration!